This command allows you to search the content of files, adding to the file list files that contain certain information. When you select this command, a setup dialog appears. Enter the appropriate information, then click "Seach All" to begin searching all volumes, or "Search Here" to search a specific volume or folder.
The box labelled "Find files containing:" is where you describe what you want to search for.
The search is for a "Primary" string of characters, plus an optional "Secondary" string. Enter the information you want to search for in the upper text box; if you want, enter a secondary string in the lower text box, the activate the "OR" or "AND" buttons.
Selecting "OR" will find any file that contains the primary string OR the secondary string.
If you select "AND", then you must select either "Within File", "Within Paragraph", or "Within ( ) Characters". If, for example, you choose "Within Paragraph", then only files that contain the primary string and the secondary string in the same paragraph will be added.
Selecting "Case Sensitive" means that there must be an exact match between upper- and lowercase letters.
Selecting "Show Context" does the following: When the search criteria are found, the paragraph containing the primary string is displayed, and you are given an option to add the file, skip the file, or continue searching the file.
The box labelled "Search file types:" allows you to specify what file types to search through. Normally you will want to search through files of only one or a few types; TEXT files, and files belonging to you word processor, for example. Use the "Add" button to add a type to the list to be searched, use "Remove" to take one away. "Click "Select" to select a file type from the standard list.